How do we build and model our databases?

sustamize ensures that for the evaluation of the CO2-equivalence values all GHG can, in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol and the IPCC Report

sustamize ensures that for the evaluation of the CO2-equivalence values (CO2e or in some sections called "CO2" for the sake of simplicity and comparability) all greenhouse gases can, in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol and the IPCC Assessment Reports, be converted into CO2e based on their corresponding global warming potential (“GWP”) in relation to pure CO2-equivalence factors. The list of currently valid conversion factors is integrated in sustamize databases.

sustamize models all it data by creating a bottom-up calculation like a process flow. sustamize base data is built on qualified sources like LCA studies or other publications. The calculation process of all databases is validated by GUTcert Gmbh. Please find here the certification.