Empowering all teams to manage carbon footprints.

sustamize works closely with manufacturing, consulting an, software companies to accelerate the climate transformation of the industry. Sometimes, only a small piece of the puzzle is missing for the bigger picture - to support sustamize offers training.


Why learn about LCA analysis with sustamize?

sustamize combines three fields: industry knowledge-based engineering, science-based LCA analysis, and high-edge technology. Due to the diversity of use cases, specific expertise is needed at different points. Since customers often have the same topics and challenges, sustamize offers training and workshops in addition to its other products and services.

Industry knowledge-based engineering
Science-based LCA analysis
High-edge technology

( Cost ) Engineering

Cost Engineers are often already familiar with the bottom-up process analysis regarding costs. The  PCF analysis Training focuses on how a bottom-up process analysis can be enhanced, so it becomes also a Product Carbon Footprint Analysis.

Climate Transformation

Still a bit new to the area of Greenhouse gas emissions? This training includes main areas like an overview of standards, regulations, reporting structures, and climate communication.


Especially for our software partners, we are offering also more open Workshops to support the transformation of the different software systems to powerful Product & Value Chain Footprint software.